

上世纪的八十年代,  改革开放的春风开始吹拂南粤大地的时候, 大和的创办人陈掌文先生奉冶金工业部门的指令, 筹办中国第一家钢格板厂,  从澳大利亚引进了第一套压焊钢格板生产线, 生产出中国的第一块压焊钢格板.

 一个新的产品从诞生, 到实践应用, 宣传推广,  开拓发展,  需要辛勤的培育,  热情的宣传推介, 尤其需要标准的支撑. 因此,  陈掌文先生执笔起草了中国第一个压焊钢格板标准,  那就是YB4001-1991

中国笫一个钢格板标准YB4001-1991,发布于1990年10月25日,实施于1992年1月1 日(以下简称91标准)。 91标准从产品的分类、命名、尺寸、技术要求等参照并采用了国内第一家钢格板厂的企业标准,因为当时全国独此一家钢格板厂。91标准像是企业的产品小册子和使用指导书。

但是这份标准很有特色: 第一它把钢格板产品具体化为59种规格写到标准之中; 第二,它列举了所有规格产品的荷载性能数据提供设计和选用。这与当时的澳大利亚标准,英国标准相比较,更为直观,更为具体。虽然存在较大的局限性,但是比之更现实, 更具有实际指导意义。正因为如此,91标准在推介钢格板产品及其应用方面,起到很大的促进作用。可以说, 91标准是一个具有中国特色的钢格板标准。

标准的制定是产品推广的动力。短暂的几年时间,钢格板产品得到了工程建设项目的广泛认同,用量迅速扩大,生产厂家也纷纷建立,对钢格板产品的品种,规格,性能和要求有进一步的增加。 作为主要起草人,陈先生执笔进行了标准的修订工作。

YB4001的第一次修订, 就是批准于1998年8月25日,实施于1998年12月1日 的YB/T4001-1998 (以下简称98标准)。98标准的修订可以说是针对91标准的局限性而进行的, 非等效采用英国标准BS4592.1.1995《钢工业平台、走道和梯级踏步》。钢格栅板的制造方法、技术条件和公差要求基本与英国标准相同。BS4592.1.1995钢格栅板的制造方法除了焊接钢格板外, 还有压锁钢格板和铆接钢格板,标准也由《压焊钢格栅板》改名为《钢格栅板》。 不再局限于91标准所规定的59种规格,取消了原来划分的三个系列。根据负载扁钢和横杆的排列间距,采用了更为直观的命名方法来表示钢格栅板的型号。

98标准没有等同采用英国标准BS4592.1.1995,而继续保留了91标准的特色,比如用“推荐采用”保留了91标准所规定的产品规格, 保留了较详细的常用规格产品的荷载性能数据提供设计和选用。但是,由于产品规格可以根据供求双方的需求而决定,这些规格可以不在标准列举的范围, 所以98标准增加了荷载与挠度的计算。98标准还修改了BS4592.1.1995附件A的荷载与挠度的测试方法,由原来的施加均布荷载或局部荷载的测试方法 改变为简便的施加线荷载的测试方法。这一测试方法在国际上是首创,应该说,98标准是对世界钢格板行业的一个贡献。     

标准的第三次修订于2006年. YB/T4001-1998《钢格栅板》标准非等效采用英国标准 BS 4592:1995《钢工业平台、走道和梯级踏步》。该英国标准现已被BS EN ISO 14122: 2-2001取代或部份被取代。

国际标准ISO 14122-2:2001,针对工业设备的工作平台和通道的设计、生产、检验和安装等方面的要求有了新的明确的强制性规定。

国际标准ISO 14122-2:2001强调的是以人为本、保障安全。

“以人为本、保障安全”就是YB/T4001 标准的第三次修订的修订原则。

2006年6月,陈掌文先生执笔完成了 钢格板标准的第三次修订 ,就是现行标准YB/T4001.1-2007

生产力的发展, 推动标准的产生。一个先进的标准的产生,同样会倒逼生产的升级。YB4001标准诞生至今, 经历了四分之一个世纪的实践磨炼,我国钢格板行业从一片空白到遍地花开,产品和企业都得到了蓬勃发展,正如我国工业发展步阀一样,从一个一个的阶梯平台,上升到一个更高的平台,钢格板就是这些工业拓展平台的铺垫。


中国目前是制造业大国,但并不是制造强国。这其中很重要的一个原因是,我们的标准仍然比较落后,很多产品的质量仍然处在中低端。我们必须要瞄准国际先进标准,发挥市场倒逼作用, 提振消费者对‘中国制造’ 的信心,支撑制造业提质增效,提升国际竞争力。要进一步提高标准水平,逐步与国际接轨,加快关键技术标准研制,加快标准更新,促进技术和产品创新。

要用先进标准倒逼“中国制造”升级工业和信息化部办公厅关于印发2016年第一批行业标准制修订计划的通知(工信厅科〔2016〕58号), YBT4001己经纳入2016年第一批行业标准制修订计划

《中国制造2025》提出,坚持“创新驱动、质量为先、绿色发展、结构优化、人才为本”的基本方针,坚持“市场主导、政府引导,立足当前、着眼长远,整体推进、重点突破,自主发展、开放合作”的基本原则,通过“三步走”实现制造强国的战略目标: 第一步,到2025年迈入制造强国行列;第二步,到2035年中国制造业整体达到世界制造强国阵营中等水平;第三步,到新中国成立一百年时,综合实力进入世界制造强国前列。

标准修订目的很明确,一是为智造扫平道路,把阻碍自动化生产的,落后生产方式的工序、方法、流程的规定条款铲除,增加自动高效安全环保的绿色条款,  朝着数字化、网络化、智能化的方向,引导生产设备和产品的升级。 二是要修订条款, 增加绿色壁垒, 提高产品准入门槛,  硬性规定淘汰生产方法落后, 产品质量低劣的作坊模式, 强迫行业升级改造

这是YBT4001标准的第四次修订, 陈先生光荣地接受了主笔的使命。围绕实现制造强国的战略目标,战号己经吹响, 我国钢格板行业的同仁们, 努力奋进!

In the eighties of the last century, the spring breeze of reform and opening up began blowing Guangdong land, and Dahe' s founder  Mr.Chen Zhangwen under orders of the Department of metallurgical industry , organizing the China's first steel grating factory, from Australia introduced the first set of pressure welding steel grating production line, China produced the first piece of pressure welding steel grating.

A new product from birth to practical application, promotion, development and need to hard training, enthusiasm of propaganda promotion, especially need standard support. Therefore, Mr. Chen Zhangwen penned drafting the China first pressure welding steel grating standard, which is YB 4001-1991

The first Chinese steel grating standard YB4001-1991, released in October 25, 1990, implemented in January 1, 1992, (hereinafter referred to as 91 standard). 91 standard from the product classification, name, size, technical requirements, such as reference and the first domestic factory steel grating enterprise standards, because it was the only steel grating factory. The 91 standard is a product brochure and instruction book.

But the 91 standard is very unique: first, it is the steel grating products into 59 specifications of the standard into the standard; second, it lists all the specifications of the load performance data to provide design and selection. This was compared with the Australian standard AS1657, the British standard BS4592, more intuitive, more specific. Although there are great limitations, but more realistic, more practical guidance. Because of this, the 91 standard in the promotion of steel grating products and its application, has played a great role in promoting. It can be said that the 91 standard is a standard with Chinese characteristics of the steel grating

Standard formulation is the driving force for product promotion. A short few years, steel grating products has been widely recognized by the engineering construction project, the rapid expansion of the amount of, manufacturers have established, the varieties of steel grating products, specifications, performance and requirements is further increased. As the main drafter, Mr. Chen was penned the revision of standards.

YB4001's first amendment, approved in August 25, 1998, was implemented in December 1, 1998 ,which is YB/T4001-1998 (hereinafter referred to as the 98 Standard). 98 Standard revision can be said to be aimed at the limitation of 91 standard of and non equivalent by British Standards BS4592.1.1995  " Industrial type fooring,  walkways and stair treads - Part 1 :Specification for open bar gratings ". The manufacturing methods, technical requirements and tolerances of the steel grating are the same as the British standard. BS4592.1.1995 steel grating manufacturing methods in addition to welding steel grating, there are pressure locking steel grating and riveting steel grating, the standard also by the "welded steel grating" changed its name to "steel grating". No longer limited to the 59 standards set by the 91 specifications, the abolition of the original division of the three series. According to the arrangement of load flat steel and rail, with a more intuitive approach to naming said steel grating type.

 98 standard is not equal to the British standard BS4592.1.1995, and continue to retained the 91 standard features, such as "recommended" retained the 91 standard stipulated in the specifications, retained the detailed specifications used product performance of the load data to provide design and selection. However, because the product specifications can be determined according to the demand of supply and demand, these specifications can not be in the scope of the standard, so the 98 Standard to increase the load and deflection calculation. 98 standard also revised BS4592.1.1995 annex A load and deflection of the test method, by the original application of uniform load or local load test method to change the test method for the simple application of line load. This test method is the first in the world, it should be said that the 98 standard is a contribution to the world's steel grating industry.

The third revision of the standard in 2006. YB/T4001-1998 the steel grating standard non equivalent to the British Standard BS 4592:1995 " Industrial type fooring,  walkways and stair treads - Part 1 :Specification for open bar gratings ". The British standard has been replaced or partially replaced by  ISO 14122: 2-2001 .

International standards ISO14122-2:2001 , for the design, production, testing and installation of industrial equipment and the working platform of the channel has a new clear mandatory requirements.

 International standards ISO14122-2:2001  stressed that the people-oriented, security and safety.

"People oriented, security and safety" is the third revision of the YB/T4001 standard.

In June 2006, Mr. Chen Zhangwen wrote the third revision of the steel grating standard,is the steel grating current stsndard YB/T4001.1-2007

The development of productive forces, promote the generation of standards. An advanced standard of production, the same will be forced to upgrade production. The YB4001 standard has experienced 1/4 centuries of practice training, China's steel grating industry from a blank to flowers everywhere, products and enterprises have been booming, as China's industrial development the step valve, from a a ladder platform, rising to a higher platform, Steel grating is the floorstructure of these industrial development platform.

Standards and product quality are closely linked, we want to create high-quality products, construction and manufacturing power, must have advanced standards as a support. In turn, we promote the standardization of the equipment manufacturing industry, but also to enhance the quality of consumer goods, expanding domestic and international markets.

China is a big manufacturing country, but it is not a manufacturing power. One of the important reasons is that our standards are still relatively backward, a lot of the quality of the product is still in the low-end. We have to aim at the international advanced standard, to play the market forced, boost consumer confidence in the "made in China", which is the support for manufacturing quality and efficiency, to enhance the international competitiveness. To further improve the standard level, and gradually with international standards, to speed up the development of key technical standards, to speed up the standard update, promote technological and product innovation.

The basic principles of the Chinese manufacturing 2025 "put forward, adhere to the" innovation driven, quality is first, green development, structure optimization, talent as the basic principle, adhere to the "market-oriented, government guidance, based on the present, focusing on the long-term, overall progress, key breakthrough, independent development, openness and cooperation", through the "three steps to walk" the strategic target of powerful nation of manufacturing: the first step, by 2025, entered the ranks of manufacturing power; the second step, by 2035 China's manufacturing industry as a whole reached the world manufacturing power camp medium level; the third step, to a hundred years since the founding of new China, comprehensive strength into the world manufacturing power in the forefront.

To use the advanced standard forced "made in China" upgrade. General Office of the Ministry of industry and information technology in 2016 issued the first batch of industry standard system revision plan notice (the office of the Department of science and Technology (2016) 58), YBT4001 has been included in the first batch of 2016 industry standard system revision plan. 

The purpose of the standard is very clear, The first is to clear the way for intelligent manufacturing,to hinder  the production of automation, backward mode of production processes, methods, procedures, the provisions of the eradication of the process, increase the green clause of automatic and efficient safety and environmental protection, lead production equipment and products to upgrade. Second is to amend the terms, Increase green barriers, heighten product access threshold ,mandatory elimination of backward production methods, poor quality of the workshop model, forced the industry to upgrade.

This is the fourth revision of the YBT4001 standard, Mr. Chen honor to accept editorial mission. Around the realization of the strategic goal of manufacturing power, the battle horn has sounded, China's steel grating industry colleagues, and strive to forge ahead !




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